Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Turn of the Century retrofit in Ottawa, Canada.

Concept Rendering for the Obama Presidential Library Competition


The Barack Obama Foundation had a primary focus on the oversight of the process to realize the vision of the Obama Presidential Centre (OPC). The vision included the following items:
  1. The creation of an Interactive Museum about the Office of the President, his administration and the issues of our time.
  2. The creation of expansive greenspace, including community gardens and quiet spots for reflection
  3. The facilitation of activists, thinkers and community leaders.
  4. The creation of Indoor and Outdoor performance space that has live and recorded video production capabilities.
  5. The creation of training and educational programs.
  6. The emphasis on healthy food selections.
  7. The creation of Labs that facilitate innovative work by all willing participants.
  8. The creation of headquarter offices for the Obama Foundation
The selected sites for Jackson Park or Washington Park are found in Hyde Park which is the neighbourhood the President and First Lady called home before moving to Washington D.C. This urban neighbourhood is serviced by many transportation arteries and means; One of them is the ‘L’ elevated train which serves as an urban metaphor for a vessel that travels, has travelled and will travel through many stops along the way. Some successful and others not; In either case, the vessel stays on track and becomes the constant that continues to carry the message.
1992 - Director of Project Vote
1996 - State Senator of the State of Illinois' 13th district
2000 - Ran for a set in the U.S. Congress and lost

2004 - Ran for the U.S. Senate and won
2008 - Ran for the U.S. Presidency and won
2012 - Incumbent for the U.S. Presidency and won
2016 - Will complete two terms of the U.S. Presidency and return to personal life

The focus of this schematic imagery is to chronicle stops along the journey and also add a new significant metaphorical stop to the ‘Red’ ‘Green’ or ‘Yellow’ lines of the Chicago Rapid Transit system. 
The metaphorical vessel is appropriate given the fact that the OPC envisions an interactive Museum about the Office of the President, his administration and the future issues of our time.

The scheme focuses on sustainable components as an integral part of the programming and the decision making to ensure that all stakeholders are tied into the future planning of the OPC. The OPC should be commended in their efforts to strive towards sustainable planning that will accentuate the sustainability with attention to Energy Consumption and Green House gas emissions.  There is a dedication to provide the OPC with a state of the art building utilizing concepts rooted in solid sustainable design practices derived by Energy Modeling as a central planning tool.